Rarity calculations are similar to those used by many other rarity sites. If you're interested in the theory behind the rarity calculations, this article gives a very good overview.
For most collections, each NFT is ranked by:
The method used here to calculate an NFT's rarity based on individual attributes, while good, does have some shortcomings:
Meep Headz rarity ranks use the OpenRarity algorithm.
At Theta Rarity we choose not to use this algorithm as it has what we consider to be several significant shortcomings. However, for the sake of the community, and in order to avoid introducing unnecessary confusion by publishing a separate ranking system, we have adopted that method for this site.
The creators released the rankings for all Cyko Headz (including those not yet minted) at the time of the drop, so their rankings will not change as more Cyko Headz are minted.